Friday, May 7, 2010

Sheer Infusion Photorealism Project

Description of Assignment: We were to choose an item from a list given to us to draw on Adobe Illustrator. The goal of the assignment was to not be able to tell which one was the photo of the actual object and the one we drew ourselves. We were to mostly use the pen, gradient mesh, and blend tools. First, we had to take a photo to base our drawing off of. Following that, we placed that photo file into the program and used it as our template for shapes and colors both.

My Design Solution: I mostly used the pen and gradient mesh tools. First, I drew all the shapes as accurately as I could. I kept a smaller version of my original picture to draw the colors out of it with the eyedropper tool. I taught myself as I went to use the gradient mesh tools and used the eyedropper tool on each and every mesh point to get my colors as close to real as I could. If I could improve this project, I would not have chosen to put my bottle on a towel. I feel as though the towel really took away the composition of my piece because of the texture.

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