Friday, May 7, 2010

Self Portrait - Andy Warhol Style

Description of Assignment: For this self portrait, we were to choose a style of art and base our composition off of that. We had to either find or take a picture of ourselves where we were creatively posed, indicative or our personality, and appropriate for the style we choose. We weren't allowed to use Photoshop at all to enhance our portraits.

My Design Solution: I chose to do Pop Art and base it completely off of Andy Warhol. I basically used two of his photos to draw my shapes, styles, and colors from. This was probably my favorite assignment because I like to have pretty tight restrictions on what we can and cannot do and having an artist to go directly off of was to my benefit. I am happy with the way the colors worked out and the hair with the shadows. I based the shadows in my hair off of the shadows in my photo. The lighting in my picture made it so I didn't have that many shadowed areas in my hair. I specifically used bright blue eyeshadow because that is a famous Andy Warhol effect. If I were to enhance this, I would probably add a little more detail to my face around my nose and eyes.

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